February 2021 week 3


While reading chapter 7 of the Book of Proverbs, there is a phrase that captured my attention and which for me is like a secret that the Lord gives us.  The secret is: remember my words and keep my precepts with you

When you go further in the reading, we speak of the adulterous woman.  This woman has a weapon that she uses to reach her target: sweet words, therefore words that the soul necessarily likes to hear

It is our duty to be careful what we hear because the enemy is strong in these things; remember when he came to tempt Jesus in the wilderness or even Eve in the garden of Eden.  But still there, Eve succumbed, but Jesus knew how to use the sword of the spirit which is the word of God and was able to get out (Hebrew 4:12)

What is your sword?

In fact in this chapter the Lord warns us against the immorality committed because of our uncrucified senses and shows us its consequences which is death (v26-27).

But you know what’s the good news?

if you want to live: Remember his words, keep his precepts with you and observe them!  (v1-2)



Miracle out of mistakes

It happens times in life when bad things happened based on the wrong things or bad decision we’ve made and we knew where not the best to do.That is different than when things happen to us because of other people,and usually in that period we can have faith that God can restore and pay us back,but when we bring troubles on ourselves,when we blow it,it easy to think that God is not gonna help us.But here is the beauty,God knew you gonna mess up before he called you.God didn’t  based his plan on your life by you doing the right decision,God has a plan even for your mistakes.What you feel is a failure,God has a way of making miracles out of mistakes.He can take what should have limited your career,God can turn it around and move you up to set your destiny.Be encouraged because God is full of mercy,he doesn’t turn his back when we make mistakes.He doesn’t say « I am done with you » but just the opposite,he comes to us.The Bible tells us in proverb 24:16 « For the righteous fall seven times and rise up again, but the wicked are cast down into disaster. »

Do not feel down and be encouraged knowing God has a wonderful plan for you.

God bless you.

Min.  Seth

Wednesday Feb 17

Feed your destiny

We may not realize it but we always feed ourselves.Everything we hear,watch,the people we around,…etc all that feed our inner man.Here is the key,whatever you feed is going to grow.If you continue to hang out with people who are jealous,gossip…you may not like it,you may be a nice person but you’ll definitely become like what you have been fed by.They was a story I heard of a lady whom the mom passed away at the age of 40,she also spent her life thinking I may not get there and die as the same as my mom,suddenly she also did.What did you she do ? Spent her life feeding herself with fear.What if she spent her life feeding herself with faith,hopes and dreams ?

What are you feeding your spirit with ? The people you spend your time with,the thought you dwell on all day,is that inspiring you ?

Building your faith ? Pushing you forward your dreams Or is it junk food ?

The Bible tells us that « whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. »

I challenge you to feed your destiny with these great tips the Bible tells us about.

GOD bless you

Min. Seth

Tuesday Feb 16


Text: 1 Kings 15:3 And he walked in all the sins of his father, which he had done before him: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father.


David was a man whom the Lord praised so much because of his “perfect” heart. God is looking for more people with perfect hearts – not necessarily people with perfect deeds. David’s perfect heart was the reason that God was so endeared to him. Even when his children/descendants misbehaved, the Lord said He could not cast them away because of David.

But there is a problem: The heart of man is an interesting subject.

1) It is deceitful and extremely wicked, Jer. 17:9.

2) The heart even deceives its owner, Obadiah 1:3.

3) It is the source of all evil actions that men do, Matt. 15:19.

4) The way to change our wrong actions is not greater determination and discipline – it is by having a changed heart (“good heart”) – Matthew 12:33.

What Can We Do?

(1) Guard: the gates of your life: ears, eyes, sense and sexual organs – Prov. 4:23.

(2) Wash: Wash your heart frequently with the word – Ephesians 5:25-26.

(3) Love: Maintain a burning love for the Lord – Revelation 2:4. The heart always wants to love something (e.g. money, fame, pride, boy/girl friend  etc.), so direct it to love the Lord instead.


1) Psalm 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

2) Lord wash my heart by your word. Send me the right word to perfect my heart.

Min. Oluleke

Monday February 15


It is important to break free from all the negatives things that keep being passed down from generation to generation.

It is like when you go to the doctor and he asked for the family medical history,they ask that because they that can be passed down.

It is so easy to stand up and say « that’s how my father was,he was always high temper that’s why I am high temper »

That is not God’s intent for your life and you need to live under the blessing and not under the curse.Some of people have all sort of junk in blood line such as divorce,poverty,alcoholism,addiction,negativity and it has been there for generations to generations.You have to rise up and do something about it because if you rise up and do something about it because if you don’t rise up and be passive about it all you are going to do is to pass it to the next generation.

And what a shame to perpetuate it when you can be the one to stop it.

You need to stand up and say this junk is not going to be passed to the next generation.

The Bible says in revelation 12:11 « they overcame by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony » that tells us ,we need to start talking differently and declare victory.

We need to do that because of the future generations.In fact all through the Bible we can see many people who have been blessed because of their parent’s obedience to god.

Deuteronomy 30:19 « I set before you life and death,blessings and curses,therefore choose life so that you and your descendants may live »

The choices we make does not only affect us but also affects our descendants.

So I encourage to do two things today.

First of all stand up and decide to stop all the bad junks and secondly choose carefully what you are going to pass through the next generation.

Min. Seth