January 2022 Week 1

Verse of the Day for Thursday,

Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God… — John 1:12

Thoughts on Today’s Verse

Isn’t it incredible that we are called children of God!? But that is exactly what we are! (cf. 1 John 3:1-3) We are God’s children. Our Father created the universe with its billions and billions of planets. Our Father paints a new sunset everyday and chases away the darkness every morning. Our Father not only loves us, but claims us as his own and will bring us to his eternal home. Why? Because we heard his message in Jesus. Because we received his grace offered in his Son. Incredible! Glorious! Grace!

My Prayer

Abba Father, thank you for claiming me as your child through Jesus, in whose name I praise and thank you. Amen

Verse of the Day for Wednesday,

He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. — John 1:11

Thoughts on Today’s Verse

Jesus came to his own things — the world he had created and the land he had promised his people — and his very own people didn’t receive him. Sometimes we are blinded by our desires and dreams for Jesus and we really miss what he wants for us and from us. Let’s not let the following be true in our lives. “Jesus came to me, but I wasn’t ready to receive him. I had other things I wanted to do and other things I wanted to experience before I fully surrendered my heart to him.” Each time we put off surrendering our will to Jesus, each time we push him away as Lord, we allow our hearts to harden and it becomes easier and easier to push him away. Now, while our hearts are still attentive to his grace, let’s renew our commitment to him afresh and completely offer him hearts and lives for his glory and grace.

My Prayer

Holy God, I surrender my heart to your will. Precious Jesus, now more than ever in my life, I recognize you as my Lord and want to serve you with my life. Please forgive me for the times that have resisted your leading or turned away from your demands. I know you left everything, and gave up everything, to save me. So now, please mold me into the person you want me to be and use me in ways that bless others and bring you glory. Amen.

Verse of the Day for Tuesday,

No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only [Son], who is at the Father’s side, has made him known. — John 1:18


Thoughts on Today’s Verse

Jesus is God’s greatest message. He not only proclaims and declares God’s love, mercy, and grace, he has made it known. Only Jesus can display God to us fully, for he is one with the Father. Yet when we “see” Jesus ministering in the Gospels, we see God. If we want to know how God feels about us, all we have to do is look at how Jesus ministers to others. If we want to know what God would do for us, we can notice what Jesus does to bless others. Jesus is our window to the Father’s heart. So as this year winds down, and as you stand in the afterglow of Christmas, why not make a commitment to get to know Jesus better in this coming year by spending more time with him in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). If you do, you will better know God!

My Prayer

Thank you, Father, for giving me a window to your heart through the life and ministry of Jesus. Please bless me as I seek to know you better by knowing, understanding, and following Jesus more passionately. I pray in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen.

Verse of the Day for Monday,

The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told. — Luke 2:20

Thoughts on Today’s Verse

Can you imagine the shepherds returning to their flocks after the night they had? They had seen God’s glory. They had experienced the presence of angels. They had seen the newborn King, the promised Messiah, the Savior of the world. Even more amazing, it was just as they had been told. As amazing as the angel’s words of announcement had been, they were gloriously fulfilled. In addition to all that Jesus was at the moment of his birth, he is also the absolute answer to God’s greatest promises and the greatest assurance that God keeps his word. Incredibly, God had chosen shepherds, unnamed to us and unimportant to their peers, to be the witnesses and participants in God’s glorious story of salvation. It is our Father’s way of reminding us that no matter who we are, Jesus came for us because we are important to him!

My Prayer

Lord God Almighty, I can only imagine what it was like for those shepherds who experienced your glory. However, dear Father, I do know how much Jesus means to me. I praise you for loving me and reaching my heart with your grace. Sanctify me and make me righteous through the work of your Holy Spirit as I seek to live my life in appreciation for all that you have done for me. In Jesus’ glorious name. Amen.

Min Jean