June week 1

Friday June 5

Topic:  Being a Christian is a full time job  Charlie Tremendous

Scripture Matthew 20: 1  “The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard.

Charlie Tremendous reminds us that being a Christian is a full time job . We are workers in the vineyard of God. It is our responsibility and we have been ordained to bring forth fruit and to witness for God.  This is not a task to be taken lightly. It is not a task in which one can choose when to work and when to rest. One cannot choose when to be a Christian and when not to be a Christian. Our light is to shine brightly wherever we are stationed in life.


Thought for the Day:  As said in John 9:4 we must work now for the time will come when we will not be able to work.

Thursday June 4

Topic:  Have you ever received agift that you did not like?

Scripture: 1 Samuel 16: 7 But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look on his face, or on the height of his stature; because I have rejected him. For man does not see as God sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart

There have been  times when  we have received gifts from friends or  relatives that we did not immediately appreciate.  We have had the forced smile or forced thank you when we really did not mean it but knew it was the proper thing to do at the time.  I had even made the mistake of not opening gifts immediately in front of the giver so that I would not have to fake my approval of the gift if I did not like it. I have come to understand that my problem was that I was too focused on the gift and not the true love of the giver. If my focus is on the giver than the gift really does not matter.  My focus was on the material things in life and not the heart of the giver. My “bad”.

Thought for the day:  Learn to really appreciate the giver and not the gift.


Wednesday June 3

1 Corinthians  Chapter 12

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

It has been said that we spend too much time trying to determine our gift which can lead to comparing gifts as to spending time getting to know the giver of the gifts. Once we really know the giver than we will understand better our particular gift and know that God will never put us in a position where he has  not already prepared us. As verse 27 says , we are all part of the body of Christ and no where does it suggest that we should concentrate on any one gift but instead we must keep our eyes on Christ.

Thought for the day;  The gift can never be more important than the giverTuesday June 2

 Topic: We can overcome everything by God who strengthens us

          Philippians 4v13: I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

The apostle Paul in the previous verse exhorts the Saints in Jesus Christ in the city of Philippi. He says he knows how to live in abundance and in scarcity … Quite simply, the apostle exhorts others to know how to live according to the seasons. And the most important thing is that Paul recognizes that he can do it not by his ability but by God who strengthens him. This is also valid for us now, whatever the situation we are going through knowing that we are not alone, God is with us to strengthen us.

Thought for the day: Let us recognize that God never abandons us, ask for his help, his strength and his mastery in all situations, both good and bad.

Monday June 1

 Topic: I am a wonderful creature

          Psalms 139v14: I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Everything God does is perfect, admirable, and wonderful. Recognize that you are a creature of God. You are created in his image, you have his character, and you are strong, powerful, joyful, courageous, wise, intelligent…

Thought for the day: Remind your soul every day that you are a wonderful creature, believe and act.