May 2021 Week 4


Too many people live under condemnation, constantly listening to the wrong voices.Those accusing voices make people walk around feeling guilty, condemned, and extremely discontented with themselves.The Bible refers to the enemy in the book of revelation 12:10 as “the accuser of the brethren” who would love for us to live our lives guilty and condemned.It is true as human being that we can have shortcomings but we should learn to receive God’s forgiveness and mercy. Don’t allow those condemning voices to play repeatedly in your mind. That will only accentuate a negative attitude toward yourself and that will hinder every area of your life.There’s a time to repent, but there’s also a time to shake it off and press forward. Don’t live with regrets. Don’t go around saying, “Well, I should have done this or that. I should have gone back to college.” Or “I should have spent more time with my family.” “I should have taken better care of myself.”.No, quit condemning yourself. Your analysis and observations may be true, but it doesn’t do you any good to put yourself down. Let the past be the past. You cannot change it, and if you make the mistake of living in guilt today because of something that happened yesterday, you won’t have the strength you need to live this day in victory.As long as you have asked God to forgive you, and you are pressing forward in the direction He wants you to go, you can know with confidence God is pleased with you.The Bible tells us in the book of Philippians 1:6 that “he that began a good work in you will continue to perform it until the day of Jesus Christ”

I encourage you today to shake off the guilt and move on.



Each of us has an internal dialogue, an inner conversation going on with ourselves throughout the day. In fact, we talk more to ourselves than we do to

anybody else. The question is, What are you saying to yourself? What do you meditate on? Positive thoughts? Empowering thoughts? Affirming thoughts? Or do you go around thinking negative.Each of us has an internal dialogue, an inner conversation going on with ourselves throughout the day. In fact, we talk more to ourselves than we do to

anybody else. Each of us has an internal dialogue, an inner conversation going on with ourselves throughout the day. In fact, we talk more to ourselves than we do to

anybody else. I’ve discovered that often these wrong-thinking patterns stem from childhood and therefore we have to reprogram our minds.You have to shake off those negative messages and experiences, and put on a new recording. Remind yourself often: “I am a child of the Most High God. I have a bright future. God is pleased with me. I am talented; I am creative; I have what it takes. I will fulfill my destiny.” We should be talking to ourselves that way, not in arrogance but in a quiet confidence. Deep down on the inside, all through the day, we should hear things like “I am anointed. I am called. I am chosen. I am equipped. This is my season.”.Our internal dialogue should always be positive and hopeful. We should always talk to ourselves with empowering, affirming thoughts.The bible tells us the story when God came to Moses and said, “Moses, I’m choosing you to deliver the people of Israel.” Not surprisingly, the first words out of Moses’s mouth were, “God, who am I?”God said, “Moses, don’t say, ‘Who am I?’ You’re the one that I’ve chosen.”

Then Moses asked another question. He said, “But, God, who will listen to me? You know I’m not a good speaker. You know I stutter.” Notice his lack of confidence. He too was playing the wrong recording in his mind. With God’s help, however, Moses overcame that deficit in his upbringing.This story shown us how we can unconsciously draw bad patterns and that we need to change by God’s word in order to accomplish our destiny.



God didn’t create any of us to be average. He didn’t make us to barely get by. We were created to excel.I personaly believe that one of the best ways that we can use to live that victorious life is with our words.Words are like seeds. They have creative power.It says in Proverb 18:21 “life and death are in the power of the tongue”.Every day, we should make positive declarations over our lives. We should say things such as, “I am blessed. I am prosperous. I am healthy. I am talented. I am creative. I am wise.” When we do that, we are building up our self-image. As those words permeate your heart and mind, and especially your subconscious mind, eventually they will begin to change the way you see yourself. The best thing you could do is to accept His offer, and all through the day start saying to yourself, ‘I am a new creation. I am forgiven. I am valuable to God. He has made me worthy.’ If you keep saying that long enough, you’re going to start believing it. And you will begin expecting good things.”.Get up every day and say, “I am fun to be around; I am attractive and friendly; I have a good personality, I’m an engaging person; people are drawn to me.” As you speak such positive statements day after day, you will soon discover your self-image is changing for the better. You’ll feel better about yourself, and you’ll not only have more confidence, you’ll be friendlier; you will attract other positive people to yourself.When you speak such faith-filled words, you will bless your life. Furthermore, your self-image will begin to improve.

Min. Seth


we all go through things in life that stink. We don’t like what has happened; something wasn’t fair. “Why did this person do me wrong?” “Why did I come down with this sickness?” This stinks.” You need to have a new perspective: that’s just fertilizer. It may smell bad right now. It seems as though a pile of manure got dumped on you. You could easily be discouraged, but if you’ll stay in faith, it’s not going to hinder you; it’s going to strengthen you, it’s going to develop you.This is what Joseph did. His brothers were jealous of him and threw him into a pit. He could have gotten depressed and said, “God, I don’t understand this. I’m a good person.” Instead he realized, “It’s just fertilizer. They’re trying to stop me, but God’s going to use it to increase me.” However, that was just the beginning. One bad thing after another happened to Joseph after that. His brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt, where his master’s wife lied about him, falsely accused him of a crime, and had him thrown into prison. He spent thirteen years there for something he didn’t do. They were trying to hold him down, but they didn’t realize they were pouring fertilizer on him. Joseph kept growing, getting stronger, his roots going down deeper in faith. They thought they were stopping him, but the truth is, they were strengthening him. All that injustice, that stinky stuff, seemed like a waste of years of his life, but just as fertilizer feeds a plant nutrients and minerals, that difficult, dark season was doing a work in Joseph, getting him prepared for the fullness of his destiny.If you’ll stay in faith in the stinky times, the times that don’t make sense, when you’re not treated fairly, when you’re doing the right thing but the wrong things keep happening, your time will come to bloom, to be promoted, to be blessed, to be vindicated, and all the forces of darkness cannot stop you.


We all have areas that we need to improve, but as long as we’re pressing forward, getting up each day and doing our very best, we can be assured that

God is pleased with us.He wants us to be secure and to have healthy self-images.God knew that you were not going to be perfect. He knew that you were going to have weaknesses, faults, and wrong desires—He knew all that before you were even born—and He still loves you!

One of the worst things you could do is to go through life being against yourself. This is a major problem today. Many people have a war going on inside themselves.Jesus said in mark 12:31“Love your neighbor as you love yourself.He knew that If you don’t have a healthy respect for who you are, and if you don’t learn to accept yourself faults and all, you will never be able to properly love other people.God has an incredible banquet prepared for you. He has an abundant life for you. No matter how many mistakes you’ve made in the past, or what sort of difficulties you struggle with right now, you have been destined to live in victory. You may not be all you want to be, but at least you can look back and say, “Thank You, God; I’m not what I used to be.”.You need to learn that God is for you; He is on your side. He is the best friend you could ever have. God is not looking at what you’ve done wrong; He’s looking at what you’ve done right. He’s not focused on what you are; He’s focused on what you can become.