Message: “Excellence Series Marriage and Dating” from Big Brother

Big Brother - March 21, 2021

Excellence Series Marriage and Dating

Excellence Series  Marriage and Dating

5 KEY LESSONS FROM MARCH 2021 RELATIONSHIP/DATING/ MARRIAGE EVENT 1. Nobody can make you complete; not even your husband or your wife can. At best, they can complement you. Only God can make you complete. 2. Forget what you see in the movies. Marriage doesn't make people happier! If you're unhappy and dissatisfied with life before marriage, the same will very likely continue in marriage. So, learn to be happy and blessed as a single and you'll be a potential great spouse. 3. Marriage will not cure your lust and sexual addictions. The only cure is Self Control, a vital fruit of the Spirit. 4. God gave us guidelines on sexual purity to save us from troubles and make our lives more peaceful. He's not out to spoil our fun but doesn't want fun to destroy us. 5. If he or she is asking for “it” outside of marriage, it's a clear signal from God that he or she is not “the person”. So, run before you burn.    

From Series: "Excellence"

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