Message: “It is Well!!!” from Pastor Joe

Joe Summers - January 19, 2020

It is Well!!!

It is Well!!!

It Is Well Lesson Objective:  To understand the importance of having a firm belief in the power of God Scripture: 2 Kings 4: 18-26; Daniel 3: 16-18 The importance of positive attitude Norman Vincent Peale wrote a book The ‘Placebo Effect’ is a well-documented phenomenon in medicine Story of the song written by Horatio Spafford (modern day Job) He was married and had six children Son died and Chicago fire destroyed all of his real estate A few years later his four daughters died in a ship accident He wrote song while traveling to be with his wife Story of Shunammite woman and Elisha Her only son died 2 Kings 4: 18-20 Verses 22 and 26 It will be well She went to Elisha and would not leave him Verses 29-30 Do people have that much trust in us Verses 34-37 Child comes back to life Did Elisha fail the first time Hebrew boys and fiery furnance Understood the power of faith Daniel 3: 16-18 Roman Soldier’s Faith Luke 7:7-9 So What!!!!!!! In times of crisis in our lives can we truly make the statement that it is well. ? How do we position ourselves so that we can have that confidence? And Lord haste the day, when my faith shall be sight The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend Even so, it is well with my soul

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