Message: “Keys to Christian Lifestyle”

- October 27, 2019

Keys to Christian Lifestyle

Keys to Christian Lifestyle

Keys to Christian Life Style  Lesson Objective: To review lifestyle keys as described by Paul in his writings in the book of Romans. Scripture: Romans Chapter 12 Christians must first learn that their body is a living sacrifice to God-  Chapter 12: verse 1 Old testament was sacrifice of animals New testament- Christ sacrifice for us We have to sacrifice daily by not following the desires of our hearts if they are inconsistent with the word of God Do not think like the world but have a renewing of the mind- 12:2 What are some things that the world teach which are opposite of the Bible? Look out for number one first Fornication is acceptable behavior It is ok for kids to disobey their parents Parents should not ever spank or discipline their children How does one gain this renewing of the mind? By studying the Bible and by surrounding our selves with Christians who believe in the inherent truth of the Bible Be humble and have humility Verse 3 What does it mean to have measure of faith We all have the capacity for exemplifying all of the spiritual gifts in some measure but we exceed in one more than the other because that is what comes most natural and we utilize that gift most often which allows us to become more comfortable   Use of Spiritual Gifts Review of Gifts as described by Paul- Verses 4-8 Not meant to be the only gifts for there are other gifts that may not fit directly under any of those identified by Paul. Used to uplift body of Church-  These gifts are to be used in the development of the Christian body.   The necessity of Love in our lives for each other- 12: 9 This love must be genuine and not based upon what we can get or some ulterior motive   Devoted to one another 12: 10 We must be able to depend on each other no matter what the condition   Zealous- Verse 11 also Galatians 4:17-18 We must have the same zeal when utilizing our spiritual gifts for the up building of the Church as we have in non religious events such as football games, etc.   Romans 12: additional keys to living  Verse 12-14 Do not be revengeful- 14-21 We must recognize that there will be disagreements but these should not lead to our revenge. Summary It is vitally important that we recognize that the key to living a Christian lifestyle is to understand first that we must allow God to enter our lives and that we are to meet his purposes. Furthermore this requires a change of mindset different from what is taught in the world and recognizing that each of us have a spiritual gift that must be used to build and sustain the Church. We can only accomplish this is we truly love each other and be zealous of our responsibilities and never utilize revenge as a means of addressing the Church.  

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