November week 1
Monday November 2
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen Ephesians 4:29
Many people would say that they would never talk bad about anyone. However let me suggest that many of us do it more often then we may think. When someone makes us angry the first thing we say is call them a name that we know is unkind and continue to rant and rave about their inappropriate action when we may and probably have done the same in the past. The ability to be kind to others can be tied to forgiveness and love if our unkindness is seen as a result of such an action. However we are often more guilty of being a part of a conversation where someone is taking negatively about someone else and we continue to participate in the conversation which would indicate that we approve of the comments even though we may not say anything. Our willingness to remain in the conversation rather than stop the conversation or walk away can make us just as guilty,
Thought for the day: Being silent is just like saying Amen
Tuesday November 3
A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. Proverbs 22:1
As a boy growing up, my grandmother was very protective of her name. She would tell me time and again that I should never do anything in the neighborhood that would tarnish her name. The name was more important than anything else. Our name is based on our integrity and honesty and how we relate to others. Once a name is tarnished it is very difficult to get the shine back. In the Bible we see that names were important as many names were changed to reflect their roles in the Bible. Abraham, Joshua and Jacob received new names as a result of their walk with God. Our actions are attached to our names and is ultimately what will be remembered.
Thought for the day: As a child of God how do you want to be remembered when your name is called.
Wednesday, November 04, 2020
Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. Ptoverbs 27: 6
Have you ever had a quarrel with a friend that started because they said something that you may have considered hurtful or mean and as a result you stopped talking to that person for sometime or maybe even never spoke to them again? If you are completely honest was what they said really true? As we are human often times we react to how something is said rather than what is actually being said. Friends do not always think about how they say things but feel the need to offer us free advice or corrections. If we really value our freindship then we should take the time to hear what is being said and to evaluate the value of what is being said.
Thought for the day: The truth can cut like a knife but it is necessary for the pruning which leads to good results.
Thursday November 5
Whoever remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy. Proverbs 29:1
We sometimes wonder why we hear the same complaints or rebukes. Our first response is that the others are just wrong and that we know exactly what we are doing. This usually results in the same negative results and we blame others. In reality we must first look at our own actions and listen to the rebukes and determine the validity of the complaints or rebukes and adjust our behavior accordingly. We find it easier to continue doing the same thing because it is familiar rather than changing to get a better result. The children of Israel failed to enter the Promised Land because they yearned for the familiar hardships in Egypt rather then accept the rebukes of Moses and change their behaviors. How many blessings do we miss out on because we are unwilling to listen and heed rebukes.
Thought for the day: The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting different results.
Friday November 6
Proverbs Chapter 31. Special emphasis Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:29 “Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all.”
Many people use this chapter to demonstrate how a woman should be in marriage; however, I ask the man to read this passage to understand what kind of man he must be to have and deserve such a wife. Marriage is a partnership and each partner must work to make the family the best that it can be. The chapter says that the man was well respected in the community and that the children respected their mother. There was a cohesiveness in the family. As you are either contemplating marriage or married, remember the success of the marriage is dependent on each. Each doing what is necessary to ensure that both are exemplary.
Thought for the day: Always question yourself ” why should someone want to marry me”.